The most frequently asked questions

It is always recommended to read the user manual of your drone prior to your first flight. This gives you information about the full drone, its flight modes, its behavior and how to operate it.

Besides, in this page, you are able to read the most requested questions by our customers. Do you think a question is missing which could be helpful for other customers of what they should be aware of, reach out to us! We will implement it in this section and in case needed, update the user manual(s) accordingly.

We are always looking for ways to improve

Is there something on your mind that you would like to know more about that you haven't read in the user manual or the FAQ? Or is there something that you might want to know prior to buying a drone? Please contact us!

We will always answer any questions you have. In case you have great feedback that could improve any of our products, like the drone, the service, the user manuals or any other thing you can think about, we would love to hear from you.