Best Pixhawk Drones | Top PX4 Pixhawk Drones 2021

Many operators prefer Pixhawk Drones thanks to their open-source design, and flexibility, allowing the end user to easily program them, or integrate external electronics, something that is not possible with the closed source DJI platforms.

Thanks to its open source hardware design, there are a wide variety of Pixhawk flight controllers available for a variety of different applications - high quality made in USA Pixhawk boards, bare bones affordable boards, and boards with additional features built in. The one thing that all the boards have in common is the use of the same base architecture. At the bottom of this article we outline the different board options, as these boards can be interchangeable on most Pixhawk drones. 

All of the below platforms are stocked by us and can be customized to meet your specific needs. All drones we sell have the option of worldwide shipping, so no matter where you are in the world, we can get any of our Pixhawk drones to you. If you are in a country that has restrictions on the import of drones, we have a department that can assist with getting the correct paperwork.

Top Multi Rotor Pixhawk Drones

3DR Robotics Solo 

The 3DR Solo Drone is one of the most common Pixhawk platforms, despite the fact that it has been out of production for some time. The decision by 3D Robotics to produce far more of these units than the market initially had the demand for means that many of these are still floating around on the market. At merely double the cost of the Pixhawk flight controller it offers great value for those that need a simple Pixhawk platform.

Manufacturer: 3D Robotics
Country of Manufacture: China
Main Use: Photography, Surveying, General Pixhawk Development
Flight Time: 20-25 Minutes
Flight Range: 0.5 Miles (0.8Km)
Payload Ability: 1lbs (0.5kg)

Price: $499.99 USD

To see more information regarding the 3DR Solo Pixhawk drone, click here

Tarot 650 v2.2 - Ready To Fly

Tarot 650 drone

The Tarot 650 is an affordable, high-quality, multi-rotor Pixhawk drone and a popular replacement for the 3DR Pixhawk drones. The Tarot 650 is a popular Pixhawk drone for carrying small payloads for applications from  shooting video to mapping and research. Thanks to its four powerful brushless motors and wide payload bay, the Tarot 650 is a perfect option for an affordable Pixhawk drone to carry small payloads. 

Manufacturer: UAV Systems International 
Country of Manufacture: USA/Mexico
Main Use: Carrying Payloads, Surveillance, General Pixhawk Development
Flight Time: 25 minutes 
Flight Range: 2 miles (3.2 km) - Can be extended 
Payload Ability: 3.3 lb. (1.5 kg)

$ 3,299.95 USD
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Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly

Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X6 Standard - Ready To Fly

The Aurelia X6 Drone is our most popular multi-rotor drone. It is a high-quality Pixhawk drone for carrying medium payloads, performing surveillance, or for general Pixhawk development. Thanks to its highly efficient design, it can fly for a longer than average time compared to similar drones. The Aurelia X6 drone features also features the most spacious payload bay, perfect for integrating different sensors or equipment. It's 6 rotor design provides redundancy, so in the event a motor fails the drone will keep flying without issue.

Manufacturer: Aurelia Aerospace
Country of Manufacture: USA/Mexico
Main Use: Carrying Large/Heavy Payloads, Surveillance, General Pixhawk Development, Applications requiring a multi-rotor with an extended flight time
Flight Time: 35 minutes 
Flight Range: 2 miles (3.2 km) - Can be extended 
Payload Ability: 11 lb. (5 kg)

$ 5,399.95 USD
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Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly

Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly
Aurelia X8 Standard - Ready To Fly

The Aurelia X8 Standard Drone is the largest and most capable multi-rotor platform. It is a high-quality Pixhawk drone for carrying large, heavy payloads, or for general Pixhawk development. The 8 rotor design, featuring 8 highly efficient brushless motors, in addition to providing redundancy allows it to carry payloads up to 17 lb. (8 kg) with ease. 

Manufacturer: Aurelia Aerospace
Country of Manufacture: USA/Mexico
Main Use: Carrying Large/Heavy Payloads, General Pixhawk Development 
Flight Time: 25 minutes
Flight Range: 2 miles (3.2 km) - Can be extended
Payload Ability: 17 lb. (8 kg)

$ 6,399.95 USD
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Top Fixed Wing Pixhawk Drones

Fixed wing Pixhawk drones offer some benefits and advantages over their multi-rotor counterparts. Due to their efficient design, fixed wing drones can fly much longer than multi rotor drones while using smaller batteries at the same time. This makes them good platforms for surveillance, long distance flights, or applications which require the drone to be airborne for long periods of time. The disadvantages of the fixed wing drone are its larger size, the fact that it needs a clear strip of property to take off and land on, and the fact they are more fragile and can be completely destroyed in a crash.

Talon GT Fixed Wing UAV

The Talon GT ready to fly drone is our most popular fixed-wing drone, and an excellent platform for training drone pilots to fly a fixed-wing drone. It is a small frame, allowing for ease of use, and transport. It is popular for NVDI, general mapping, Pixhawk development along with property surveillance. 

: UAV Systems International
Country of Manufacture: USA/Mexico
Main Use: Low-mid range flights, general pixhawk development, surveillance, mapping 
Flight Time: 45 minutes
Flight Range: 2 miles (3.2 km) - Can be extended
Payload Ability: 0.44 lb. (0.2 kg)

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Skywalker Long Range UAV

The X8 Long Range Drone is our most popular fixed-wing drone. It is a popular target drone and a popular Pixhawk drone for carrying small payloads and carrying out research and development projects. In addition to this, it is also popular for NVDI and general mapping along with property surveillance.

: UAV Systems International
Country of Manufacture: USA/Mexico
Main Use: Mid-long range flights, general pixhawk development, surveillance, mapping
Flight Time: 60 minutes
Flight Range: 2 miles (3.2 km) - Can be extended
Payload Ability: 2.2 lb. (1 kg)

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Best Pixhawk Ground Station

Hex Herelink Ground Station

The Hex Herelink Ground Station is the perfect add-on for your Pixhawk powered drone. It combines the FPV, RC Transmitter, and Laptop ground station into one beautiful easy to use device with the following features.

  • Plan flight routes, see your live location on a Google Maps interface, view a live HD video feed, see system status, and more with the Herelink
  • The Herelink transmitter increases the range of the your Pixhawk drone to 12 miles (20 km)
  • The Herelink has space for up to 2 HDMI video feeds (you can switch between both feeds on the main screen).
  • The Hex Herelink utilizes the QGround Control software

To purchase the Herelink Transmitter or learn more click here.

Pixhawk Flight Controller Options

There are a wide variety of iterations of the Pixhawk flight controller board designed for different applications. The one thing that all the boards have in common is the use of the same base architecture. All of our drones come by default with the Pixhawk X2.1 but are available with any of the below Pixhawk boards.

Pixhawk X2.1

The Pixhawk X2.1 is a high-quality, basic Made In USA Pixhawk flight controller board for Pixhawk drones that will run Ardupilot software. 

Pixhawk Cube

The Pixhawk Cube is a Chinese Pixhawk with the internal electrical components housed inside the cube at the top of the board. It features isolated and dampened IMU to reduce interference to sensors. It also features a triple redundant IMU with multiple gyroscopes, acceleromters, and magnetometers. Built in IMU heating systems allow flight at below freezing temperatures.

Pixhawk Cube Blue

The Pixhawk Cube blue is a Made In USA version of the Pixhawk Cube, designed for government applications or applications that require Made In USA equipment.

Pixhawk 4

The Pixhawk 4 is a standard Pixhawk board designed to utilize the software PX4 rather than Ardupilot.